Mental health support, beyond the session
The clinician is always in control
Under their clinician's guidance, patients receive an access code to use the Jimini app and collaborate with Sage in a way that best fits their care plan.

Get continuous, 24/7 support through the Jimini app.
Via the Jimini app, patients will receive continuous support so both their clinician and Sage can best help them.

Sage makes patients' time with their clinicians more meaningful.
Sage shares information with clinicians so they can best help their patients and ensures they are properly prepared for the sessions.

Support anytime to accelerate progress
Patients have the freedom to make progress and access support anytime. Clinicians stay informed so patients can make better use of their time each session.

The value of meaningful, effective, long-term progress
- Evidence-backed tools, personalized just for them
- 24/7 support from Sage
- Proactive check-ins, so they're never alone
- More effective time with their clinician
Support from Sage, available anytime, 24/7
Progress tracking from your goals, agendas, recaps, and more
Message your therapist between session for guidance, anytime
Personalized video content from your therapist about key therapy frameworks
Enhanced mental health care